Wednesday, April 27, 2016


How luxurious to imagine your death…
You go down that path

You take your last breath
full of family one last time
Your hands held by 
loved ones who
sigh and whisper
words of encouragement
as you fade

Or you die alone 
You don't wake up
Quite quiet 
Only quiet
Just quiet
You heard that's the best way to go

Or maybe dementia creeps in
and you just don't care 
doesn't matter
one way or another

but no one talks about the white space…the corridor of nothing…the two or three blank seconds…punctuated by jolt upon jolt…and…you're jarred into your next reality…but…you don't know it…until days later…when…you stand naked in the shower…warm water flowing past…bruises and soreness…and you need to be carried in God's pocket…for a while…because you can't walk throughout it…anymore…and you shake just like you did…that moment you realized…that you can't breathe…because you are breathing…because that's your reality…because you are not dead…just impermanent

Friday, April 22, 2016

keeping it real

you recite Pesach prayers at home without a Seder      you create the most relaxing Passover you've ever had

this is what it should be about      praying to God      remembering the Israelites'  sojourn in Egypt      keeping it real      without a Seder

"on the sabbath and festivals, a person is forbidden to go more than 2,000 cubits from his halachically defined dwelling"      from Pesach commentary

Hence     home is sacred      a place for prayer      do not go far      a cubit is the measurement from the tip of the middle finger to the end of the forearm 

you drink whiskey when wine blessings come up      you utilize beer as your matzah      you read exodus out loud to your cat      you go back and forth between the Torah portion and the siddur's prayers      time passes

Judaism is flexible      accommodates your holiday interpretation   you plan to do your own Seder again next year      keeping it real

Thursday, April 21, 2016

pretty things

You took the bus down to
Beverly Hills to
Rodeo drive you said
You wanted to
walk with beautiful people to
look at Pretty Things
You stopped
in front of Chanel
Coco’s Pretty window of Things
You watched a video
of Coco’s runway show
Paris was it?
Perhaps New York?
You have a problem
with lust you said
You went to 
the Beverly Wilshire Hotel to
the men's room to
get off
You had words with a desk clerk
You got back on the bus
Don’t even 
think about lusting
after me I say
Let me shake your hand you say
Don’t touch me I say

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

mitochondrial Eve

The same but different.      Different but together.      Together but unique.    Unique but united.

"United we stand. Divided we fall," says Aesop

We mirror each other.      I smile.     You smile.     I frown.     You frown.      

We match.      You and me.     We.
We and them.      They.
They and us.      All.

Unbroken double helix descendants.    Once removed.     Twice removed.     Thrice removed.     Never removed.

From mitochondrial Eve mother.
Mine.      Yours.     Theirs.     Ours.


Once, not too long after her mother-in-law died, she lost two diamonds in one week. Now, it’s odd enough to lose one diamond, but two put it into the realm of peculiar. Her earring, a diamond stud was the first to go. She’d reached up one rainy afternoon after removing her outer clothing and felt its loss. Only the screw back remained, tucked behind her ear, clinging madly for its life. She searched frantically, for it was a diamond of great value, but to no avail. And amidst the tears for her dear mother-in-law she also grieved for her diamond.

The following morning, as she reached for the milk in the refrigerator she glanced at her diamond wedding band. To her eye the row of symmetrically placed stones seemed out of kilter. It’s just the light she thought. But closer examination revealed a missing diamond, one of the smaller stones. In its place a set of empty prongs nestled forlornly among its fellows. It can’t be, she said out loud though she was alone in the room.

Horrified she sat down at the kitchen table. She stared deeply into her coffee mug. The light catching the ripples in the cup reminded her of her missing stones. She began to contemplate how this could have happened. The impossibility finding the missing diamonds loomed large before her. The cost of replacing them seemed outrageous. So she began to pray to the diamond goddess, her only hope.

As her words fell silent, a memory materialized in her mind, a story told to her by her beloved mother-in-law. Sometimes the dead need to borrow diamonds from the living in order to bribe their way into heaven she had said. She remembered her mother-in-law’s colorful past and suddenly understood.

A few days later, as she was showering, she stepped on something sharp. A piece of debris she thought as she lifted her foot thinking to find a small pebble. Amid the water and soap streaming along the tiles was her missing diamond stud. Astonishment gave way to gratitude as she joyfully offered a prayer of thanks to the diamond goddess for returning her earring.

Several days after that remarkable moment, a glint of light from the kitchen floor caught her eye. Looking down she saw the tiny diamond from her ring glittering up at her and then she remembered the rest of the story. Bribes are always found out and the diamonds are hurled into space where they glimmer among the stars momentarily before falling back to earth, returned to the person to whom they belonged. And of the dead who garnered them, they are also thrown from heaven.
Karen Casady©2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

binary composition

One birthed a child
One raised a child
One let me go
One let me in
One walked away
One walked toward
One put me down 
One picked me up
One brought me to life
One brought me to fruition
I am of genetics
I am of environment
I am of both
I am of neither
I am of two
I am of none
I am of me
I am of
I am

Sunday, April 17, 2016

science man

My Dear Madam
A man of science perhaps
an old man of science
for that is how you perceive me
Your youthful vantage point unfettered
by skepticism aged in oak barrels of living
Your forthright filters undaunted
by obstacles shaved into sheer cliff walls
You speak to me of your belly close
that enclosure from whence
small bits of humaness unfold
I journey to silent starry multitudes and find my conjunction of molecules and atoms…my speck of eternal matter
I comb the center of gentle Mother Earth and She tells me
my soul will go on after my corporeal remains dissipate
I plunge through illuminated depths of Neptunian seas and learn
when my heart stops I will seek a billion galaxies of light
the singular answer to life everlasting
exists only in your daze of merriment
the clutch of your hand
the bulbular roundness of your flesh
and the tiny babe to come

Saturday, April 16, 2016

belly close

My dear sir:
Tell me your book of the day
Tis something practical I'm sure
You being a man of science and all
Tell me do you journey to the stars
To unknown nebula through
Clouds of meteors and asteroids 
Delving into black holes and quantum physics
Tell me do you drill to Earth's core
Down through Her mantle Her magma
Riding the tip of a probe
Pinpointed at Her heart
Determined to extract Her secrets 
Still steaming beating
A sacrifice to the demanding gods of knowledge 
Tell me do you leap from the side of a heaving ship
Into the seething sea seeking the miasmic source of all life
A tiny bit of breathing protoplasm
one throbbing cell growing akimbo limbs
Crossed eyes and dotted teeth
Tell me do you read me like a book
I being impervious to the practical
You being a man of science
I set up housekeeping on a comet
I free fall through Her Majesty Earth 
Welcome at Her perpetual hearth
I hold the origin of humankind
Here in my belly close
You need only perceive

Friday, April 15, 2016


mirrors drop noiselessly
the next the next
one henceforth another
tops thereupon bottoms
fold duly
downward ergo
an obedient steady progression of
clinging reds, yellows and blues 
primary splatter to greens and purples
tunnel vision leaning away away
everlasting quixotic stairwell
descends descends descents steep 
parallel samely phantasm
on on on on

Thursday, April 14, 2016


You are plots. I am prayers.
You are drama. I am serenity.
You are complexity. I am simplicity.
You are war. I am peace.
You are resistance. I am surrender.
You are contrary. I am agreeable.
You are me. I am you.


picture books…
create      an architectural plan    
a sequential art form
     a visual art form     
a “theater of the lap”     
launch     emotional connection to focus on visual components of 
in the digital age...
establish      lifelong attachment to reading vs finishing    
unite      thematic storytime
visual literary skills    
“Picture Books No Longer a Staple for Children” says the New York Times

Index Poem (Start with found language from an actual index or invent an index. This poem is based on index entry from Reading Picture Books with Children by Megan Dowd Lambert)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


picture this… 
                       growing up in coal country… 
                       a long walk to water…


Book Spine Poem (Look at your bookshelves. Write down titles in order or rearrange them. Create a poem.) 

Monday, April 11, 2016


you slide into the abyss      to sleep perchance to dream of      dimly lit mysterious scenes      colorful      driven with nonsensical flailing antics      placid      fueled by

Something you read…
Something you saw…
Something you said…

cobbled together into      confused sensory experiences singularly populated by dead and undead      humans known and unknown      one per dream that      add up to a congregation of souls who     spell out your path      letter by letter      pity you never remember

Sunday, April 10, 2016


My Dear Madam:
Come, come
Gathered up into naught?
"The lady protests too much, methinks"
You sit night after night
Comely and samely
You make no mistake of your place
I see you wherever and always
Upstage downstage right left
You besiege me
Gird me
Float above me as my muse
Mouthing my words
Eyes catching the color of each scene
'Tis I who can do naught
Bound up as fair Hamlet speaking
“A fair thought to lie between maids’ legs”
And yet we have
And yet you forget to
Come to me
For when I finish
Tired and hungry
My sanity balanced on a silk thread
Detecting the barest scent of elicit nights
You feign obsession
Vanquish me with folly
And I remember
“Frailty thy name is woman”

Saturday, April 9, 2016


You look around. You ponder
the variety of brooding 
beings surrounding you 
discussing the same flick.

Some like it.
Some don't.

All fall within the realm of
the expected. Except the
guy jumping around making fart noises getting a laugh from a kid. You
don't see a kid. You

skirt around him. He's had 
just a bit too much maybe he's 
just a bit too crazy maybe
he's both. You

leave the theater talking about
the flick with your husband who 
falls into the category of liking it. You 
say the story grows...sprouts buds...
extrudes tendrils. You

imagine opinionated movie goers 
playing dodge ball. The pondering likes win leaving a pile of brooding dislikes. Except for the flatulant jumping guy who turns into the ball. You 

scurry along 
grab a tendril 
stamp your parking bud and leave.

Friday, April 8, 2016


My Dear Sir:
you should ask
did I enjoy it;
the penultimate question. That
you seek an answer;
reveals your nature. That
you should engage me;
causes no end to my delight. And so
to your curiosity;
this I do tell.
"The play's the thing..."
I did. I really
I relished it sir.
Each word
Alighting upon my person
Sauntering along
Reaching its forsworn destination
Implanting itself just so
Stirring a pot of frenzy
Already boiling with secrecy and shame
Of imagined elicit nights
Shunted aside in the name of purity
"What is the reason that you use me thus?"
Each rippling muscle
Firmness of arms, of legs
Chase themselves about, limbs
Confirming with certainty
Your vastness
Your trickster ways
My destruction
Vanquished in obsession
Gathered up into naught
Balanced upon a pale silk thread
Hovering over insanity
“Now cracks a noble heart”
For the rest is folly, nothingness
Never to be

Thursday, April 7, 2016


My dear madam:
You frighten me with
your mercurial silences. Your
placid outbursts. Your
flailing thoughts. You
mistake my meaning. My
interpretation of the flubbering world 
beyond our cocoon so 
festooned with privacy that
only you know my sacred memories. Only you
wear my sorcerous medallions. That you
seek the unsafe. That you
search for the unreliable
dispirits me. From those places naught
comes. So I share my boots
with you. Coax your narrow toes in
with mine. Bind them together
capillary by capillary. Become your
gist. Become your cliché.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


My dear sir:
So what do you think? About
the fake baby nonsense. About
the convenient appearance of photos. About
images floating digitally in the electronic minds of  
cooing unwanted aunties.
And where did you go? Festooned
merrily in your habiliments. Adorned
with mystical medallions. Strapped
into spellbinding boots. Meant to
placate masturbating geeks and nerds.
You achieve lexiconic perfection.
Yet you no longer satisfy
me. Provide gist for my mill.
Oh how cliché…
You leave me no choice but
to back pedal. Reach
for the unreliable. Return to the impossibility of
mercurial silence. To bide for a time. Unsafe.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


they came in a dream
the voiceless figure
they never make a sound
they stand
anchored in recapitulation 
eyes front, staring through the dimness 
they keep counsel with silence
the brilliant blue box
they gifted so long ago
wrapped in shiny vinyl
bulging with invention and concoction,
theory and supposition
the hypothesis of possibility
and middles
linear yet not
used for desirous purpose
put aside
wanted wanton visions
rendered useless
now silent

Monday, April 4, 2016


they sit all day at the kitchen table…a box of cat next to them…a bottle of ice tea adjacent…and that’s it…that’s what they do.

until the squirrel crawls onto the feeder outside…sniffing for nuts…hanging off the tree by one paw…tiny little paw…tiny little fingers.

they know the squirrel must always gnaw…or it dies…its teeth get too long…so it can’t eat.

once they saw a squirrel fall out of the tree…dead…maybe from starvation…so they put peanuts out every day.

the squirrel eats…gets fat…possibly falls out of the tree…but bounces.

the cat leaves…chases the squirrel…they think…if it falls out of the tree…they think.

they drink the adjacent bottle of tea…they note the empty box of cat…they sit at the kitchen table all day…that’s it…that’s what they do. ©kcasady2016

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Molten glass, fluid
a viscous liquid snail
trails hot mucous
a tube, constricted
curls toward
a blaring bubble, contained
unnatural breathing being, contorted
shape flames a puny form
drink from me it says
amidst cool steam, beguiled
by shards and broken necks

Saturday, April 2, 2016


like the business model, one shifts
from routine, enough
     to disrupt
cause a slight change
imperceptible from without
a bare whiff from within
alters the wherewithal of it
increases the between
off centers the drift, rift 
shapes a breach, reach

Friday, April 1, 2016

Carl Can't Kiss

     In the spirit of “All flash fiction is poetry and all poetry is flash fiction.”
     Philip Bram Casady

SuZanne in seat 28, row L. Her Z nudges her. The stage skips out the theater door. A dozen eyes glare at her. A dog-eared script grabs her hand. Her Z sighs.

Faded memories and glory tap Suzanne's shoulder. Carl can't kiss. Never could. SuZanne tangled in a duvet determined to orgasm. Never happened. Her Z wilted. Pretend Carl pretend.

A long-legged ego with ginger curls waltzes past the proscenium arch. Hurls herself into the orchestra pit. Carl can’t kiss. SuZanne catches her with one hand. Her Z slaps Carl. SuZanne's mouth grabs Carl's lips. Chews them off. Like this Carl like this.

SuZanne splattered with passion. SuZanne in splendor. SuZanne embraced by ruby sweet tendrils. Her Z strokes Carl's hair. "Places!" says the ghost lamp.

SuZanne in seat 28, row L. Carl breaks a leg. The ginger ego takes a bow. Bouquets ride through applauding thespian air. Z skips out the theater door. The curtain falls. SuZanne burns with acclaim. Carl still can't kiss. SuZanne marries him anyway. ©kcasady2016